It must have been a really exciting time for gamblers back in the closing stages of the 19th century, as for the first time in several decades there was a new and exciting gambling game on the horizon, the likes of which had never been seen before. Oh yes, early slot engineers like Charles D. Fey were working hard to create a new range of mechanical gambling games, and the gambling population was being absolutely treated as a result.

It would take a few decades for slot machines to really kick off, but once they did the gambling world would never really be the same again. By the 21st century things like video slots and online slots have succeeded in bringing slots to the very top of the casino market, and one of the main reasons behind this are slots themes - try Great Rhino today. Because of slots themes there is an almost endless amount of variation in the current market – keep reading for slots themes that men prefer.

There haven’t always been slot themes…

Slot themes are pretty standard these days, and it can be genuinely difficult to imagine a slots world without them. But here’s the thing: it’s important to remember that there haven’t always been slot themes, in fact in the early days of the slots industry developers were much more worried about actually getting their games to work!

The only thing that you could say was themed about the early slot machines was their symbols, and even then they weren’t exactly themed in a specific way. In most cases the symbols were lifted from casino paraphernalia like cards. 

Some of the most iconic slot themes ever

In order to get an idea of the crazy extent of slot themes in the slots industry here are some of the most iconic slot themes ever:

  •         Vintage casino theme: Pretty much every developer has at least a few vintage casino themed slots in their arsenal these days – it is absolutely essential!
  •         History theme: We’ve lost count of the amount of slots that pay homage to certain eras in history; it’s a real favourite.
  •         Films theme: The wonderful world of cinema is often a source of inspiration for slot developers, especially if they managed to obtain proper licensing.

What do men look out for in slot themes?

Due to the crazy amount of slot themes around these days you need to know what men look out for in slot themes, and here are a few of the top things:

  •         Action: Sure, it’s a bit of a stereotype, but quite a lot of men do like things with a load of action! This is why action packed online slots are favourites amongst men.
  •         Sports: Again, it is a classic stereotype to say all men like sport, but the reality is that most do. Hence why sports themed slots are typically played a lot more by men than women.
  •         History: Statistics show that things like Ancient Egyptian slots are more popular with men.