The vast field of technology can often be a difficult one for women. Breaking into technical careers has shown to be challenging for a number of reasons. The field has typically been male-dominated and continues to be so today. This disparity has become entrenched in tech culture, leading many to view it as the norm. Breaking through cultural norms often requires persistence, ingenuity and strategic thinking.

If you're looking to enter the tech world or to move forward in your current position, there are some things you should know. Learning to be savvy, to do your research and to ask the right questions can give you a foot in the door and take you far within the industry. Read on for tips every woman trying to get a career in technology should know.

Understand Inherent Challenges for Women in Tech

You may be one of few women to work at your next potential employer. Such an environment may seem intimidating, especially in the early stages. Don't let that stop you, though. There are ways you can gain confidence and show your colleagues that you belong in the organization. Thankfully, more and more women are breaking through these barriers. Pioneers such as Girls Who Code founder, Reshma Saujani, have helped to forge paths for women within the industry. Know your worth, and don't be afraid to share your knowledge at meetings and while working on projects. Soon, your superiors and co-workers will begin to accept you as an integral member of the team.

Build a Strong Network

Hopefully, you've begun to gain professional contacts within the industries that most interest you. College or tech-school classmates are a good place to start. These friends can be a good source of information about potential jobs for which you might be a good fit. They are also a great support when you're dealing with the unique struggles of being a newcomer in the tech world. Professors and instructors are invaluable to your network as well. Along with being your teachers, they can provide insight you'll need when breaking into the industry. Social media is a wonderful way to open your world to a diverse array of professionals within your particular niche. Don't be afraid to reach out to them, ask questions and share your own viewpoints. Finally, if you're able, networking in-person at conferences and professional gatherings will allow the sorts of real-life connections you'll rely on throughout your professional career.

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Learn to Negotiate

The art of negotiation is crucial when it comes to being a woman in tech. Whether it's with regard to salary or navigating for a key position on a work team, there are times you will need to speak up on your own behalf. Doing so can be made more difficult in a male-dominated space. That's where it comes in handy to use key negotiating techniques. Finding ways to leverage your strengths, abilities, knowledge or other assets to your advantage can be key to reaching your professional goals within this competitive sector.

Don't Be Afraid to Brag

Related to the prior point, you should never be afraid to brag about your accomplishments and skills. As a woman, you may have been socialized throughout your life to be humble or to take a backseat when it comes to the professional arena. This is a habit it will do you good to overcome, especially in a competitive environment that is primarily dominated by men. You have just as much right to be there as the boys do. Don't hesitate to advocate for yourself and to sell your own accomplishments. This will demonstrate your confidence and will aid in your career advancement.

Research Potential Employers

It's best to do your research in order to be prepared and strategic about your job search. This due diligence lets you know which companies are in line with your values and which best fit your specific interests. Positioning yourself as a good fit prior to applying is a strategic move that will demonstrate your appeal to hiring teams. Breaking into tech requires these types of proactive measures.


These tips should provide you with a good start toward obtaining the tech job you desire. Using this advice can also help you to advance within your chosen industry.