Food poisoning, also known as foodborne illness, is an infection spread through the consumption of contaminated food. Infectious organisms such as bacteria, viruses, parasites, and toxins frequently cause food poisoning.

At any stage of processing or manufacture, infectious organisms or their toxins can contaminate food. Contamination can also occur in the home if food is handled or prepared improperly. To obtain assistance, consult your doctor at


Symptoms of food poisoning vary according to the source of exposure. The most common signs and symptoms of food poisoning are as follows:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhoea that is either watery or bloody
  • Irritable bowel syndrome and abdominal pain Irritable bowel syndrome and abdominal pain
  • Fever

Signs and symptoms may manifest hours, days, or even weeks after consuming contaminated food. Food poisoning symptoms can last from a few hours to several days.

When is it appropriate to consult an Icloudhospital physician?

If any of the following signs or symptoms occur, contact your physician at

  • Frequent episodes of vomiting and an inability to keep liquids down.
  • Stools that are bloody
  • Diarrhoea that lasts longer than three days
  • Excessive discomfort or severe abdominal cramps
  • A temperature greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit in the mouth (38 degrees Celsius)
  • Excessive thirst, a dry mouth, insufficient or absent urine production, severe weakness, dizziness, or lightheadedness are all signs and symptoms of dehydration.
  • Neurological symptoms include blurred vision, muscular weakness, and arm tingling.


Food contamination can occur at any point during the manufacturing process, including during planting, harvesting, processing, storing, transporting, and preparation. Cross-contamination is frequently the cause — the spread of pathogenic bacteria from one surface to another. This is especially difficult when it comes to prepared, fresh foods such as salads and other vegetables. Due to the lack of cooking before consumption, dangerous organisms may survive, resulting in food poisoning.

The bacteria, viruses, and parasites that cause food poisoning are numerous. The following table summarises some of the most likely pollutants, the time period you may begin to experience symptoms, and the most common modes of transmission for the organism.

Factors of danger

If you become ill due to consuming contaminated food, the severity of your illness is determined by the organism, the level of exposure, your age, and your state of health. The following groups are at increased risk:

  • Adults aged 65 years and older. As you age, your immune system may become less responsive and effective in the face of pathogenic organisms.
  • Pregnant women. During pregnancy, changes in metabolism and circulation may increase the risk of food poisoning. Your response may be more severe during pregnancy. Your infant may occasionally become ill as well.
  • Infants and children in the pre-school years. Their immune systems are still in their infancy.


Having a chronic illness — such as diabetes, liver disease, or AIDS — or receiving chemotherapy or radiation for cancer impairs your immune response, so if you continue to experience stomach pain, consult your physician. Icloudhospital will be at your service because we believe in providing our patients with comprehensive care.