The world needs to rid itself of greenhouse gases which can potentially become an existential threat for the entire planet in the future. Increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere are already showing their effect as the temperature of the earth continues to rise at an alarming rate. 

This rise in temperature is melting ice caps sooner than expected and leading to climate change that is having devastating effects on people’s lives and livelihoods. Therefore, it has become increasingly important for world governments, companies, and people to shift to more sustainable development and business models, along with an increased emphasis on using materials and products that are designed keeping sustainability in mind. 

While talking about decarbonization, companies play a huge role in ensuring the success of zero-carbon strategies. This article looks at the impact that decarbonization has on companies. 

What is Decarbonization?

Decarbonization is the process through which carbon intensity can be reduced, and greenhouse emissions are curtailed to ensure that CO2 levels can be brought down to levels that are in sync with the goals set under the Paris Agreement 2015 by various governments around the world. Essentially, it’s a process that is the primary driving factor towards achieving zero carbon emissions by the year 2050. 

Impact of Decarbonization on Companies

Decarbonization will have a far-reaching impact on companies around the globe. Once this process has been achieved, we would be able to witness companies manufacturing and producing goods using cleaner energy sources that would have zero negative impact on the planet’s ecosystem. However, this can prove to be an expensive process since companies would have to shift their entire operations in a way that it is able to achieve growth numbers while operating in an environment-friendly manner. 

Therefore, unless various world governments don’t work towards implementing policies that incentivize companies for investing in future technologies and developing relationships with partners who are known for innovation, such as a reliable electrical brand to shift to better technological options that value innovation and sustainability while ensuring maximum profitability for businesses without causing damage to the environment. It is the need of the hour to have such policies in place since decarbonization is the only way forward if we are to meet climate goals. 

The impact of such policies and investments would prove to be game-changers for companies in the iron and steel, cement, chemicals, and plastic sector to dramatically reduce their CO2 emissions which contribute nearly a quarter of all the emissions combined. 

How to achieve Decarbonization Goals

The road towards achieving the net-zero figure is a long one fraught with roadblocks, but that doesn’t mean that it’s not achievable. It’s can very much be achieved by implementing a few critical measures.

  1. Energy-efficient improvements need to be put in place

  2. Electrification of heat is an immediate requirement

  3. Use of hydrogen which is produced using zero-carbon electricity

  4. The use of biomass as fuel instead of traditional means such as burning fossil fuels

  5. The use of more efficient means of carbon capture, storage, and utilization

By implementing these measures, we can expect to move the industry towards more energy-efficient means of manufacturing and production; thus, furthering the cause of the net-zero figure that the world wants to hit for creating a sustainable planet. 

If you are a business owner, implement strategies that will help you build a strong business case for other industry leaders to follow. The best way to do so is by taking small steps at a time rather than a giant leap which can be hard to implement. Partnering with a reputed electrical brand can be a great starting point in this direction. 

So, start early and be consistent in your approach to create an example that others can look up to and follow!